Brief CV:
My research delves into the biogeography, plant systematics, evolutionary history, and ecology of the diverse flora of Iran and the Mediterranean region, recognized for their rich biodiversity and unique ecological dynamics. Through the use of advanced molecular techniques for biosystematic and phylogenetic studies, I seek to unravel the evolutionary patterns and relationships of plant species within these ecosystems. My interest also extends to the theoretical exploration of interactions between plants and their environments—an area I am passionate about and aim to further investigate for its significant implications on ecosystem resilience, biodiversity conservation, and adaptation to environmental changes. While my current work is primarily focused on Verbascum species, offering insights into their evolutionary trajectories and ecological adaptations, I am adaptable and open to exploring new directions and diversifying my research focus in response to collaborative opportunities and the evolving needs of the field.”
Keywords: Biogeography, Plant Systematics, Evolutionary History, Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation, Molecular Techniques, Phylogenetic Studies, Ecosystem Resilience, Environmental Changes, Verbascum, Iran, Mediterranean Region.

2015 PhD in Ecology (Fr. Ecologie fonctionnelle),
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Thesis title: Biogeography and evolutionary history of the genera Verbascum and Artemisia in Iran using molecular phylogeny
2011 Master II of Science in Microbiologie-Agrobiosciences,
Institut national polytechnique (INP) de Toulouse, France
2000 Master of sciences in Plant Breeding,
Azad University, Iran
Bayat N., Attar F., and A. Sotoodeh (2024). Pollen and Leaf Micromorphological Characteristics of Spiny Almonds (Prunus subgenus Amygdalus) in Iran. Microscopy Research and Technique.
Advay M., Attar F., Hama S., Ahmad A. and A. Sotoodeh (2024). Onosma safaie-fari (Boraginaceae), a new species from western Iran. Iranian Journal of Botany 30 (1): 12-27 10.22092/IJB.2024.364151.1438
Attar F., Mirtadzadini M. & Sotoodeh A.* (2023). Onosma deltiphylla and O. humilis (Boraginaceae), two new species from Iran. Ann. Bot. Fennici 60: 161–166.
Attar F.*, Sotoodeh A.*, Mirtadzadini M., Daemi M., Civeyrel L. (2023). New findings in Onosma section Protonosma (Boraginaceae) using morphological and molecular evidence. Botany letters 170: 285–302. (*equal contribution).
Sotoodeh A., Attar F., Laitung B., Civeyrel L. (2022). Verbascum birjandense and V. urumiense (Scrophulariaceae), two new endemic species for Flora of Iran. Phytotaxa, 538: 035–044.
Attar, F., Maroofi, H., Mirtadzadini,M. & Sotoodeh, A. (2022). Two new species of genus Cousinia (Asteraceae, Cardueae) from W and NE Iran. Nova Biologica Reperta 9(2): 144-152. 10.29252/nbr.9.2.144
Attar F., Sotoodeh A., Sheidai M., Esfandni-Bozchloyi S., & M. Mirtadzadini (2021) Taxonomic Importance Of Nutlets And Flowers In Tribe Cynoglosseae (Boraginaceae). Iranian Journal of Botany 27 (2): 146-163 10.22092/ijb.2021.355061.1330
Attar F.*, Sotoodeh A.*, Mirtadzadini M. (2020) Four new species in subsection Asterotricha for the genus Onosma L. (Boraginaceae) from flora of Iran. Feddes Repert, 131: 146-158. (*equal contribution)
Rakizadeh, S., Attar, F. and Sotoodeh, A. (2019). Taxonomic significance of achene morphology on the Centaurea L. (Asteraceae). Nova Biol. Reperta 6: 352-366.
Attar, F., Sotoodeh, A., & Mirtadzadini, M. (2019). ’Teucrium elymaiticum’ (Lamiaceae): a new species for Flora of Iran. Mediterranean Botany, 40: 203-207.
Sotoodeh A., Attar F., Andalo C., Mirtajaldini M. And L. Civeyrel. (2018). Focusing on three Verbascum L. taxa (Scrophulariaceae) of the Flora of Iran. Adansonia, 40:171-181.
Sotoodeh A., F. Attar and L. Civeyrel (2017). Verbascum songaricum subsp. Subdecurrens: a New Record; Typification and True Identity of V. aspinum as a New Synonym of V. stachydiforme in the Flora of Iran. Kew Bulletin, 72: 24.
Maassoumi A. A., Sh. Kazempour Osaloo, A. Sotoodeh (2016). A new infrageneric grouping of Astragalus (Fabaceae). The Iranian Journal of Botany, 22: 88-100.
Sotoodeh A., L. Civeyrel, F. Attar (2016). A new species of Verbascum L. (Scrophulariaceae) from the Gilan province (Iran), based on morphological and molecular evidences. Adansonia 38: 127-132.
Sotoodeh A., L. Civeyrel, F. Attar (2015). Verbascum shahsavarensis (Scrophulariaceae), a new species for Flora of Iran. Phytotaxa, 203: 76-80.
Sotoodeh A., Civeyrel L., Zamani A., Attar F. (2014). Verbascum oreophilum var. oreophilum and Verbascum cheiranthifolium var. asperulum (Scrophulariaceae) Two new records for the flora of Iran. Phytotaxa 173: 205-210.
2020–Present Enseignant-chercheur in Ecology and Plant biology, Université de Bourgogne.
2015–2020 Chercheur associé, Université Paul Sabatier , Toulouse III, France
2015–Present Chercheur associé, Central herbarium of Tehran University (TUH).
2011–2015 Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire, EcoLab; Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France
2000–2010 Administrator and IT manager, in different public & private organizations, Iran.
1999–2000 Laboratory Assistant in Cytogenetic Lab. Institute of Biophysics & Biochemistry, Tehran University.
2020–Present Provides practical and supervised work in ecology and plant biology, covering the diversity of the plant world, laboratory and field practice, and statistical analysis of biological and geological data at Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France.
2013–2015 Taught floristic courses as a Temporary Lecturer in UPS FSI Biology & Geoscience Department, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France.
2005–2010 Conducted TOEFL, English Conversation, and ICDL courses at Isiran Institute, Tehran, Iran.
ADVISOR or co-supervisor (ENCADREMENT)
2022-Present co-supervisor of PhD. student: Bayat. N., Investigating the species complex in shrub-thorn almonds (Prunus L. subg. Amygdalus sect. Amygdalus (Rosaceae)). University of Tehran.
2020-Present advisor of PhD. student: Advai, M., Species delimitation in Asterotricha and Heterotricha groups of genus Onosma in Iran using morphological characters, nrDNA (ITS), and cpDNA (trnH-psbA) sequences. University of Tehran.
2024 Stage L2 MOLINA S., Analyse morphométrique des graines de plantes: Étude comparative des formes et tailles. Université de Bourgogne.
2022-2024 Master student: Fouladi P., Micromorphological study of pollen grains, leaf epidermis and indumentum on the selected species of the genus Verbascum L. in Iran. University of Tehran
2021–2023 Master student: Ghamari F. Taxonomical studies on the Podonosma orientalis (L.) Feinbrun (Boraginaceae) species complex in Iran. University of Tehran
2022 (Juin-Juillet) Stage L3, DEHAYE O., Germination et levée de deux espèces de Delphinium. Université de Bourgogne.
2022 (Juin-Juillet) Stage L3, GOVIN M., Diversité morphologique des graines de deux espèces de Delphinium. Université de Bourgogne.
2021 (Mars-Avril) Stage L1, Goret-Iihashi K., Suivi phénologique de 41 individus de pruniers et de cerisiers du Verger de sauvegarde du campus Montmuzard de l’université de Bourgogne.
2019-2022 Master student: Ramezani A. Taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships in complex Onosma bulbotricha (Boraginaceae) with emphasis on morphological and molecular evidences. University of Tehran
2016-2020 PhD. student: Hadidchi A. Systematic studies on the genus Delphinium L. sensu lato) (Ranunculaceae) in Iran. University of Tehran.
Nature Photography: A complement to my professional focus, capturing the diversity and beauty of plant life and ecosystems.
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